The principal goal of teaching activities of the Chair is to support an understanding of the economic developments and patterns of China, based on the methods of economic and business studies. Students are thus better able to understand actors and events, and to use this knowledge for business activities within and with the region. In terms of contents, teaching focuses on the structural dynamics of the economies of China, the international economic and business relations of the region and the interaction of private business and the state. The chair is also part of the Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST) with its interdisciplinary profile and innovative teaching formats.
Within the broader framework set by the department of business administration, the chair covers lectures for the special study course ´East Asian Studies/China´ within Economic Studies as well as the supplementary study course ´East Asian Economic Studies´.
Furthermore, each semester a course on international economic relations is offered. For the Institute of East Asian Studies lectures are held in the study course ´East Asian Studies´.
Breaking News:
- Promotionsmöglichkeit zum Thema chinesische Automobilunternehmen11.10.24
- China: erst Wachstumsmotor, nun Risikofaktor23.10.23
- Die Chancen der neuen Seidenstraße und Chinas 14. Fünfjahresplan15.07.21
- Neue Seidenstraße gehört denen, die sich dort engagieren06.07.21
MSM Breaking News:
- Lehrstuhl für Service Operations sucht Verstärkung (Bewerbungsfrist: 21. Januar 2025)18.12.24
- Forschungsseminar "Performance Management and Leadership" zum Thema "KI-gestütztes Forschen im Rahmen von Performance Management and Leadership"17.12.24
- Informationen zum Bachelorseminar Personalmanagement im SoSe 202517.12.24
- Seminar Finance SS 202516.12.24
- Digitale Informationsveranstaltung des International Office der MSM zu Möglichkeiten eines Auslandsstudiums11.12.24